How do I create an applicant account?

You create an applicant account either with BankID or with email and password. It depends on that the organisation allows.

Create an account with BankID

  1. Click "Sign up" from the top menu.
  2. Click the "Sign up with BankID" button.
  3. Choose the method to identify yourself with BankID.
  4. Identify yourself according to the instructions on the device you chose for identification.
  5. As soon as the identification is complete, you will be redirected to the next step.
  6. Enter your email address and verify it.
  7. Read the terms and conditions for the account and accept them by checking the checkbox.
  8. Click "Create applicant account."
  9. An email will be sent to the email address you entered when signing up.
  10. Find the email and verify your email address by clicking the button/link in the email.
  11. You have now created an applicant account.

Create an Account with Email and Password

  1. Click "Sign up" from the top menu.
  2. Go to the section "Create user account."
  3. Fill in the required information: first name, last name, personal number (if requested) and email address.
  4. Read the terms and conditions for the account and accept them by checking the checkbox.
  5. Click "Create applicant account."
  6. An email will be sent to the email address you entered when signing up.
  7. Find the email and verify your email address by clicking the button/link in the email.
  8. You have now created an applicant account.